Requirements to become a lawyer (Singapore)



  • Candidates need to obtain four-year bachelor of law course from National University of Singapore (NUS) or Singapore Management University (SMU). A JD post-graduate program from SMU will also be recognized.
  • The Law Society of Singapore will recognize foreign law degrees from a list of foreign accredited institutions
  • Candidates must pass the Bar Exam in order to practice law. Students who have obtained their law degree from Singaporean University are required to take part B of the Bar Exam. Oversea candidates who have completed their law degree outsides of Singapore, must complete both Part A and Part B of the Bar Exam.
  • Part A encompasses  a six-month course offered by NUS, and candidates will have to participate in a  six months of supervised legal practice
  • Part B is offered at Singapore Institute of Legal Education, where candidates are required to take 7 courses over a 5 month period
  • A supervised practice legal training period of six months is required qualify as an advocate or a solicitor
  • To qualify as a lawyer, candidates must pass the Bar and complete their training



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