Bearing Academy offers consultation to candidates who wish to enter into a general undergraduate university program in disciplines such as art, science, engineering, architecture, social sciences and others. If a candidate is interested in professional schools such as law, medicine and business schools, please see our law, medicine and business studies sections.

Candidates are about to make one of the most important decisions of your life.  Candidates have an interest to enroll into a university undergraduate program, but are unsure of what the program of interest is about and also what opportunities are available after graduation.  Furthermore, candidates are unsure what options available during and after your studies, and ways that can help you excel and leverage opportunities.

If you are one of those candidates that require assistance, then we are here to help and share our experiences.  At Bearing Academy, we have a pool of experienced and successful leaders, who guide you through your journey. By offering deep practical and applicable advice, we help our candidates to make best decisions and preparation for the next steps.  Enroll now to discuss, and move forward to realize your dream.


Our experienced consultants in the field will work one-on-one with the candidates to introduce the chosen program and we will assess the candidate’s suitability and interest to the program.  We do recommend candidates come to us as early as possible (ideally 2 – 3 years prior to making the application) to have adequate time to prepare for the university program applications.


We offer 11 sessions for prospective candidates.  We also offer 13 sessions for prospective Oxbridge candidates which require additional preparation.  If additional assistance is required, more sessions can be offered with additional costs.


Our topics include the following sessions:

Session 1: Introduction to University Undergraduate Program – pre-application and career consultation

This introduction provides insights into and the workings of a chosen university undergraduate program: curriculum, work nature, career prospect, further advanced studies and relative merits of career options after graduation.


Sessions 2 – 10 (or 2 – 12 for Oxbridge candidates):


Candidate Assessment

Consultant will evaluate the candidates’ individual traits, motivation & qualifications and provide feedback. We will assess the candidate’s communication skills, analytical skills, as well as interpersonal skills.  This assessment will help to identify whether the candidate is suitable for the undergraduate program and is followed by application planning advice and preparation.


Undergraduate Program Application Consultation

Getting into a top undergraduate program could be a gruesome process.  Not only it takes stamina, effort and discipline throughout the process, sometimes it requires a long lead-time to build a strong profile.  Here at Bearing Academy our consultants will help you maximize your chance of admission.  We provide a comprehensive review of the application processes, and what can benefit your profile.  Do speak to us early so we can get ahead of your competitors.

Our expert consultants will work with students one-on-one to help candidates select the right programs suitable for their career.  We will evaluate the candidate’s interest,  academic potential, technical, soft skills, and background. The team will then provide an opinion on the candidate’s prospect of admission to the preferred undergraduate program(s).  Our consultant will recommend suitable extra-curricular activities, appropriate skills required, and internship program to candidate to include in the application, to bolster the chances of gaining admission where appropriate and when time allows.  Once again, we would like to emphasize that candidates should come to us early and not wait until the time you apply to schools as candidates may need longer time (up to 2 – 3 years prior) to build up the extra-curricular portfolio.


The consultant will work one-on-one to evaluate each candidate’s academic performance, technical, soft skills, and individual background. The candidate should submit his/her academic record and personal portfolio to the consultant prior to the session.


Based on the evaluation from previous session, the consultant will recommend suitable next steps to take.

Action Plan

The consultant will work with the candidate to develop an action plan to meet individual needs.


Undergraduate Program Application – Personal Statement (“PS”) Consultation

We cannot over-stress the importance of a personal statement.  It conveys the first impression of yourself to admission officers.  Beyond getting a place in a coveted program, it takes exceptional communication skills and clarity in thinking to write a succinct yet aspirational personal statement.  Our consultants provide advice and training to candidates to hone their personal statements. The consultant will provide advice to ensure the personal statement cast the best light on the candidate, and covers critical points that all admission officers will seek out.  An outstanding personal statement makes a big difference to your application and can be the key to win a place at desired school of choice.

Personal statement (“PS”) is a crucial part of the application process for university undergraduate programs.  The Admission Committees evaluates candidates based on the personal statements they submit.   An inadequate, generic and unconvincing PS could lead to admission not being offered; despite having stellar academic performance. With a stellar applicant pool and stiff competition, an excellent PS could be a determining factor of whether a student receives admission.

Our Consultant work one-on-one to provide guidance on how to write an “Persuasive” PS. We will work together with the candidate to create a PS. We want to highlight the skill set of the candidate that will catch the eyes of the Admission Officer.

* PLEASE NOTE that our consultant will ADVISE/COUNSEL the candidate to write his/her INDIVIDUAL PS.  We do not write it for the candidate and we prohibit any form of plagiarism. If we find any plagiarism and/or copyright infringement during the consultation work, the contract with us will immediately be terminated.  We will have the right to forfeit all payment to us related to this consultation. (Most universities have computer software that can detect plagiarism and candidates found to have plagiarized part of their PS will be disqualified immediately. Universities take this matter very seriously.)


Interview Preparation (when required)

Are you ready and prepared for the most challenging 45 minutes face-to-face meeting you have yet faced in your life?  There is so much you want to tell the admission officer: your confidence, your passion, your capability, your career aspiration, but so little time.  You are trying to cramp so much in it you might end-up losing your focus.  In the most extreme case you might not even get there as you might have panic, before the actual meeting.

Interviewing is not a “black-art”, it is not a skill that “you either have it or not”.  At Bearing Academy, we believe all candidates can excel in presenting themselves in an interview through structured and disciplined training.  Our expert consultants build confidence in the students by assisting them at each and every step of their challenging and stressful interview process.  We will work one-on-one with the candidates and provide detailed feedbacks to improve their communication skills and verbal reasoning.

To prepare you for the interview, there will be an introductory session to discuss interviewing concepts and techniques.  We will work on communication skills and verbal reasoning.

Afterwards, we will conduct mock interviews using “frequently asked questions”. We provide constructive feedbacks to the candidates and identify areas that candidates need to work on.

Note1:  We do advise candidates to consult us as early as possible.  If a candidate comes to us for help late in the game, there may not be enough time to do the right preparation and training.  We will however try to do our best under these circumstances, but candidates should be aware that this could be a potential barrier. 

Note2: Not all schools require interviews for candidates. 


Session 11:  Wrapping-up and “get Ready” (Session 13 for Oxbridge candidates)

Congratulations on finishing your university application!  In this session, we will offer you the opportunity to ask any questions that you may have and we will get you ready before you start your program.


This is a comprehensive program and will be sold as a complete package.  If you are interested in enrolling, please use the following link to contact us for further information. 

Please Contact us