Better Education, Better Futures




Bearing Academy is donating Days of School to
and support girls’ education with your consultations with us


Message from the Founders

As part of Bearing Academy’s mission to guide and grow the next generation of leaders, we see education as an essential part of it. We believe that by getting a good education it will change lives for many and will make the world a better place! With this strong belief of the Bearing team, we have decided that every single Bearing consultation will help girls’ education. We will donate school days for each of our consultations in sponsoring with the education charity, Room to Read, so that all of us will be part of the effort making a difference in the lives of girls around the world.

Through our Better Education, Better Futures program with Room to Read, a day of school would mean more than just classes and textbooks. It means a brighter and better future which otherwise these young girls may never have! Your generous support and contributions not only improve the lives of these wonderful girls, but also help to lift them and their future generations out of poverty with hope. You are helping to make a big differences to them and building a better world and future for all of us!

We, the Bearing team, thank you for your support and generosity to us from the bottom of our hearts so that we can help these girls and make it possible to change the world through children’s education.


Johnny Cheung & David Wong, Founders


Founded in 1999 with little more than a few hundred books and a yak to deliver them across the Himalayas, Room to Read has grown into a leading nonprofit with a reputation for outstanding efficacy, community involvement, and results. To date, 1.24 million children have benefitted from the organization.